Sunday, May 22, 2016

Commonly Asked Questions

I get a lot of different questions about longarm machine quilting.  Here are some of the most commonly asked questions by customers:

Should I bring the backing and/or batting?
You definitely want to bring your own backing.  Make sure it is a minimum of 4" wider than the quilt top on each side.  I carry Hobbs Heirloom 80/20 108" batting for about $10/yard.  If you don't have time to pick up your batting, I can do that for you for the cost of the batting plus a $5.00 travel charge.

What kinds of threads can I choose from?
I carry two brands of quilting thread -- Superior Threads and Signature by A&E.  The Superior brand threads are available So Fine! a fine 100% poly thread in a variety of colors.  I also carry King Tut  variegated thread which is 100% Egyptian long staple cotton.  I love this thread because the color changes are quick (about 1" or less) and never looks "choppy".  Signature by A&E is a 100% cotton thread in a large variety of colors.  This thread is a heavier thread and gives a much bolder look when stitched.

Does the bobbin thread have to match the top thread?
Since the machine I used is a heavy industrial machine, it doesn't have the fine tension adjustments your domestic machine.  Because of this, I usually make the threads match.  Should I use, say, white thread in the top thread and black thread in the bobbin, I would end up with white dots on the back or black dots on the front.  If you really want a different color of thread in the bobbin, I would strongly recommend you use a busy print fabric for your backing where the dots wouldn't show.  With the King Tut variegated thread, I always use a solid color thread which coordinates with the thread and backing.

Do you charge for thread changes?
Yes -- I do.  I have quilted many t-shirt quilts over the years where the client has requested I match the color of thread to each fabric.  I've had some quilts that used more than 15 different colors of thread which means a lot of stopping to change thread on the backside of my machine.  I charge $5 for your first thread and $1 for each additional color.  Variegated thread is $10 as it is a bit more costly than the solids.

Do you have a computerized machine?
At this time, no.... I don't have a computerized system.  My machine is completely hand-guided, meaning I "draw" every line, loop and curve.  When it comes to straight lines, they are the hardest things to do on a free-hand machine.  So, when you ask me to "just stitch-in-the-ditch on the whole thing" be sure that is what you really want.  Like cross-hatching, stitch-in-the-ditch (SID) is considered advanced custom quilting and will bring the cost up for quilting.

Will puffy/full areas quilt out?
Whether the puffy/full areas will "quilt out" totally depends on how you want your project quilted.  If you have wavy borders, a meandering pattern will usually take care of easing in the fullness.  If the puffy/full areas are in the center of a block or over the majority of the quilt "body", the quilt will benefit from an all over meandering design.  Too much volume can result in creases as the quilt is stitched.

Do you do bindings?
 Yes - although it's not my favorite thing to do.  I can either machine stitch your binding to just the front of the quilt and you can then stitch it to the back; or, I can machine stitch to the front and hand stitch to the back.  If I need to make your binding from yardage or strips that you provide, there will be an additional charge.  Please see my website for pricing information.  I like to encourage my clients to do their own binding.  Here is a great YouTube video Missouri Star Quilt Company showing how to do your binding. 

What is the most common mistake you find?
Borders!  Wavy borders!  The best way to get a flat border?  Measure!!!!  I like to measure down the center lengthwise for side borders.  Once the side borders are sewn in place, measure across the center for your top and bottom borders.  PIN your borders in place and sew with whichever side has the most fullness on the BOTTOM (touching the feed dogs) to allow your machine to ease any fullness as the seam is being stitched.   Here is a great YouTube video from National Quilters Circle showing how to cut and sew your bindings.

Are there any other questions you might have about longarm machine quilting?  Leave your question in the comments section below.

Happy Quilting,


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Decorating with Quilts

So many quilts ... and not enough beds!!!  That's what some might consider a "problem" with making too many quilts.  But then, you can never have enough quilts, right?

Here a few ideas on how you can use your finished quilts other than putting them on your bed...

Now THAT's a quilt rack!!!! 
 Source: Quilters Club of America

Little quilts can be framed and hung on the wall or propped on a fireplace mantel
 Source:  Martingale/That Patchwork Place

Drape a quilt across a chair back .... or for an even more dramatic effect .... hang it from the ceiling!!!
 Source:  Better Homes and Gardens

How about a shower curtain?  Use cafe rings to clip onto the quilt.
 Source:  Martingale/That Patchwork Place

Folded up and displayed in an antique cabinet

Source:  Country Sampler Magazine

Want more ideas?  Check out the Quilts from the Trail Pinterest board HERE!

What is YOUR favorite way to display quilts?  Share below in the comments!   I would love to hear from you!!!!

Happy Quilting,


Thursday, May 12, 2016

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Happy Quilting,


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Did you know Quilts from the Trail has an Etsy shop?

That's right ... Quilts from the Trail has an Etsy shop called, Treasures from the Trail!   Over the last couple of years, I have been selling some of my handcrafted treasures at a local resale shop.  I decided to open an Etsy shop as another avenue to sell these items. In the shop you will find finished quilts, machine embroidered flour-sack and homespun towels, handcrafted jewelry and more!

Here's just a small sample of the towels currently available:


One of my favorite types of jewelry I like to make uses hand-rolled paper beads.  I personally make these beads recycling various kinds of paper --- scrapbook paper, catalogs, magazines, junk mail, wrapping paper, etc.  Each bead is hand brushed with an acrylic coating making the bead very shiny and durable.

Bracelet and earrings contain beads from  vintage jewelry

 Striped scrapbook paper

Pearlized scrapbook paper
Mottled scrapbook paper

Paper was recycled from an old calendar

Scrapbook paper

Glass tile pendant on silver-toned ball chain

Glass tile pendant in silver toned tray and ball chain
This is just a small sampling of what is in the shop AND more items are added weekly.

I would love for you to visit Treasures from the Trail and take a few minutes to shop.  Many of these items would make a great gift for someone special (including YOU!).

Click HERE to visit the shop!

Happy Quilting!!!
